Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Well, I have been severely remiss about keeping up with my postings, by only a whole month!! Here's somewhat of an update:

Raced the Scantic River Mar 29 with my brother, Dave. We felt good throughout the race, unfortunately we went in the first set of rapids in the exact same spot as last year. The second set, we stayed afloat, but took on to much water, so we had to stop and dump it. Then we skillfully manuevered our way through the last set, in front of the cheering cr0wd. We ended up missing out on first place by 12 seconds in our class of about 14 boats total. But hey second place still got us a wooden canoe trophy!!!!

The next saturday, Apr 5, I raced the Tolland Spirit of Spring Road Race, with Danielle and my uncle Eric. It was a 5.1 mile course with a good amount of hills, even one mile or so was a dirt road through state forest. It was a rainy morning, so only about 40 runners showed up, but by the start, the sun came out and it turned beautiful. My goal was finish under 45 minutes, a sub-nine minute mile. I ended up finishing in 44:19, accomplishing my goal. I was psyched!!! The next day, the organizer of the race knocked on my door, handing me a first place trophy for the male age-group 20-29, how cool!!!. Of course, with the limited turnout of runners, I only had one competitor, but hey first place is first place, and Danielle was upset because she beat me by almost three minutes and I got the trophy.

The next day, Apr 6, Dave and I got in the canoe again, and raced the Hock! We were slightly jacked up for this, as my Uncle Eric and cousin Nate were racing in our class, and they started right behind us. So right from the start we were paddling like mad, yet somehow they caught by the time we hit Economy rapids. On our practice run the week before, we had paddled right through the extreme right side, but there was only a small chute and if we missed it we would run aground, and have to jump out. Of course we missed the chute to the left, and had to walk the canoe through. As we were doing this, Eric and Nate were all the way to the left, and Eric had jumped out and ran their canoe right through.

Gotta go, finish hopefully sometime soon