Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday AM workout

Well, my training may be more sporadic than I had hoped, but this morning I got in a great workout, and I am hoping to keep it going. Started out with a one-mile run to get warmed up, then went through my entire strength training workout, both lowers and uppers mixed together, with a focus on tri muscles and movements. Then Danielle, upon my request, drilled me through some core workouts, starting with planks and side planks, then single leg raises from a plank position, then raising and lower core from plank position. Then she had me do some abdominal workouts. By the time it was over, I felt sufficiently worked out to the core. Then we went back over to the treadmills for a 3 mile run to finish out. I have in the past always hated running on the treadmill as the constant pace seems unnatural to me. But today, I made a point to periodically change the speed as the random setting sent me up and down hills, kind like I would adjust my pace on the road. Also what really helped was to put all my focus on a rhythmic breathing pattern, inhaling through my nose through four steps, and exhaling through my mouth through four steps. This helped to keep my mind of my legs, and run through some of the pain that usually slows me down.

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