Sunday, March 2, 2008

Training plan for march

Well so far for the off-season, none of my training regimens have stuck. But lets try again for March. I went over to the Belding property this afternoon and put on my cross-country skis for the first time in 3 or 4 years and did the three-mile loop. Unfortunately the snow from Friday had mostly melted and I skied an icy and sometimes bare path but still nice to get out on the skis again. Mainly I figured I could scope out the spot for morning training runs before work. It is only a five minute drive, and there are several options for loops of up to 3 miles, so it should work out nicely. I want to focus on running for the month, seeing as all I did in February was the Half-marathon, without any training runs. The plan is:

3 mile trail run, 2 mornings per week
strength training at the gym 2 evenings per week
one bike ride and one 4-6 mile run per weekend

I will make weekly reports, hopefully all complete!!!

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