Friday, March 14, 2008

Training Update

Well, my plan hasn't quite worked. I have got back in the gym for strength training, twice a week. One thing on that though, I feel like I need to work on my core strength, a lot more to help me endure longer times on the bike.
The running has not happened, except for one attempt to run on the treadmill at the gym. For some reason, I just can't get into a natural rhythm of the treadmill, it just never feels right. Running at a constant speed just doesn't work for me. I must vary my pace more than most people. And my thought to run before work outside kind of got screwed up by daylight savings time, and it's an hour later til sunrise now. I guess I should strap on the headlamp and go anyway.
On the bright side, Danielle and I switched gyms, from Cardio Express to Court House Plus. It has considerably more equipment and various free classes and it is much cleaner. One of the reasons for switching was the Spinning classes they offer, which I attended two of this week. Monday morning was with the notoriously hard teacher. She pretty much rides her bike in the front of class, screaming at us to keep up the intensity, and increase resistance and spin faster and on and on for an hour. I definitely had trouble with standing for a while, my back starts to give out. This is why I am thinking I need to work on my core some more, to strengthen my abs and back so they can hold my weight while I pedal out of the saddle.

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